The aim of the Time Lapse Diaries is to be a reference so that farmers can see what is happening with the various cultivars, in the various regions, throughout the year.

It is also an opportunity for people to earn some pocket money (I’m thinking scholars / students / retirees etc)

In a nutshell, this is what I would need:

  • Someone in each region with access to as many of the cultivars on the list below as possible – minimum 12 cultivars in one area. (must be in the same area eg: KZN South Coast or Limpopo – as per map below)
  • Each regional person would need to commit to a full year of delivering these pics and information. (26 sets of photos during the year)
  • Visit the same orchards every fortnight and take 4 pics and write one sentence on it.
    • Pics: taken of whatever is happening on the tree at that time – flowers, nuts, flush etc.
    • Sentence: a brief insight into that cultivar at that time eg: these 863s was pruned last week / these beaumonts are just starting to flower / these A4s were sprayed with a copper foliar spray last week / harvesting started on these 814s this week … etc
  • Send me (via email, so we keep the picture resolution high) the pics and sentence – every second week, starting on 1 June 2021, ending on 31 May 2022.

The offer is R400 per set of pics, paid every fortnight (potential earnings of over R10 000 for the year).

Cultivars to be covered in the Time Lapse Diaries:  695, A4, A16, Nelmak 2, 246, 344, 741, 791 , 814, 816, 842, 849, 788, A203, A268, 863

I need only ONE person per region and have to have all regions represented to commit to the project.

C’mon – be a part of a phenomenal publication – and earn money too!

Email me if you’d like more information or to sign up for your area.