JAFF 8 is, without a doubt, one of my favourites; his passion, knowledge, individuality, pioneering purpose, and environmental awareness captured me in our first interview, FOUR years ago, and was only heightened in this second interaction. I won’t consume you with the details because they’re all in his first story https://www.tropicalbytes.co.za/2020-2-jaff-8/ but, suffice to say; it’s worth a read!

So why am I back? Because JAFF has been on a journey these last 4 years; he’s tried some new approaches and the results are worth sharing!

Basically, JAFF went ‘green’! He’s taken a fresh approach which centres around environmental health. I know some of you are rolling your eyes at this over-used phrase but the more I learn, the more I am convinced that the key to sustainable farming lies here!

I hate bringing our the ‘punch line’ so early but I just can’t keep it in … there’s a very good chance that your soil is in no fit state to grow a tree! “Why?” you ask … well, that’s what a lot of this story is about so keep reading.

As a further incentive to pay attention, consider JAFF’s results:


  • Above average production. JAFF is delivering well over 200 tonnes which is an average of 3,3t/h despite there being a few hectares not yet in production.
  • JAFF is almost 10% ahead of the factory average on whole kernel. Last season one field of Beaumonts (the cultivar most notorious for broken kernel) delivered 65% whole kernel – that’s DOUBLE the factory average.
  • TKR of 42% on 788. If you’ve read JAFF’s previous story, you’ll see that he wasn’t partial to 788 at that stage and was busy trying to top work them over to other varieties. When I asked about that JAFF said, “Ja – I didn’t like them hey – we just weren’t getting the tonnage but the quality has always been good.” And with their refocus on quality, the 788s are back in the running.
  • 3,4 tonnes per hectare on 816. This cultivar really came to the party with 114 tonnes (at 1,5% moisture) off 33 hectares which helped boost the bottom line.

All this while spending R10k LESS per hectare than mainstream mac farmers. JAFF has cut out virtually all chemical use and opted instead to invest in biologicals; the results have been astounding.


JAFF changed agronomists. The ‘new dude’, without even going into the orchards, told JAFF that there were serious compaction and salt issues on this farm. He saw this in the soil and leaf samples.

JAFF knew about the compaction issues, and we covered some of this in the first interview, but the ‘new dude’ prescribed calcium to treat the issues. By dosing up with blends of calcitic & dolomitic lime the results have worked well with other interventions and JAFF is happy to report that nut drop was practically nil … until the farm was hammered by chemical damage … but that’s another story.

Many years ago, the dam was made bigger and JAFF had spare soil. Instead of dumping randomly, he used this poorly drained part of the farm to extend the orchards. They dumped trailer loads of soil to create these mounds that would hold the trees out of the water. It’s worked well and the trees are thriving. The rest of the original farm establishment is unridged.

JAFF believes the compaction issue on this farm started because there was no land prep done in establishment phase. The full extent of the problem was laid bare when a chemical company had a grower day in the area and used JAFF’s farm to dig test pits. The compaction layers, at about 30cm intervals, were clear.

If anyone else shares my curiosity as to how salts increase compaction and how calcium reduces it, listen up … calcium reduces salt; when salts reduce, aeration happens. Imagine a teaspoon of tea leaves … add salt and water and let it dry … all the air pockets between the tea leaves will become clogged with salt … a bit like concrete.

You can loosen soil mechanically by pulling a ripper or plough through it but this doesn’t remove salts. “We’ve ripped,” says JAFF, “it sounded like the equipment was being dragged through concrete.” But, they persevered, adding lime, grass cuttings and other organic matter into the rips. They then repeated the exercise a few years later and added some soil life as well.

The effect on the trees was visible with side branches growing into the rows more aggressively. Although roots were obviously damaged in this process, the positive impact of soil aeration countered the negatives of root damage.

The current spongey orchard floors; high on oxygen and organic matter, and low on salts, are far more conducive to healthy roots and healthy trees; hence the minimal nut drop he’s recording.

Average farmers apply lime as a standard; they understand that it’s prescribed by their suppliers to counter the effects of mono-cropping and the aggressive fertilisers they see as mandatory. But not JAFF; his enquiring mind started asking more questions around the state of his soil …


He began questioning the sanity of doing the same thing whilst expecting a different outcome. Having been in farming for a few decades; the constant, frustrating cycle of fertilise, herbicide, pesticide, repeat was raising questions.

JAFF decided to explore causes rather than symptoms … herbicides, pesticides, fungicides – they all kill … even fertiliser started out as an ingredient in bombs … “was that maybe the problem?” wondered JAFF. What would happen if he stimulated LIFE?


Contrary to current mainstream logic; JAFF is spraying less and the ‘unsound’ has gone DOWN. It’s currently at 1,39% on this farm. He did not spray any chemicals in the 2024 season. In the season before he did one drench; on the advice of a well-respected entomologist and his preferred agronomist but decided against the second, follow-up application.

On the herbicide front, he didn’t use any last season, managing to keep things ‘controlled’ by cutting it back.

JAFF works hard to balance farming functionality (accessibility), natural diversity and the consequential costs of these choices.

A few years ago, JAFF was struggling with Blossom Blight and Husk Rot and was therefore spraying a lot of fungicides to try and sort the problem out “But it just kept getting worse,” he says, “Fungicides helped to a degree, but never completely cured the underlying problem.”


After researching a bit more, JAFF decided that a leap over to the ‘green side’ was worth a try. Since then they’ve grown the farm like a jungle; allowing Nature to take over completely. When a ‘clean up’ becomes necessary, it’s done with brush cutters, not chemicals. “And even then, it’s hard to do,” smiles JAFF, “Harvest time – when we clean up – is the time you really need an active insectary / growth (to host the insect diversity that will protect the trees) but we obviously have to remove it for practical reasons.”

Spot the young 863 in the long grass.


I’m really not sure if that’s the right term; I don’t think it is because I haven’t been able to elicit any meaningful feedback from Google, based on that search, so let me explain what JAFF shared.

(Perhaps a better term would be Soil Functionality or Hosting Ability …)

Typical agricultural soil is pretty dead; usually a range of poisons have been added to ‘clean it up’ ie: remove the previous crop, any fungi and/or bacteria – it’s pretty well nuked of all life. We then try to redeem it by adding chemical fertilisers and some water and then we add a tree and stand back to watch it pop us some fat, unblemished, highly nutritious nuts! Which, astoundingly, it often does … as long as we keep up with the poisons and more of the chemical nutrition. It’s expensive and precarious but we believe it’s the only way and pay handsomely to keep it going; adding as much as we can afford to and accepting that this is how you farm.

But is it? How did things grow BEFORE? Before the end of World War 2 (and some brilliant marketing) left us with the belief that chemical fertilisers were the only solution. Read more on that here: https://www.tropicalbytes.co.za/2023-01-avos-101-part1-2/

JAFF shares that developing the soil to be ‘mature/alive’ enough to grow a tree is the key. We’ve all seen this in action; if left alone, a recently ‘prepared’ field won’t sprout trees. The ‘immature’ soil will start off with a bacterial base which supports a select group of plants; tough, fast-growing ‘weeds’ which will work to provide shade and protection to the ‘basic’ life below. As this life evolves, so will the plants it hosts and eventually the soil will be ready for fungi. Ferns can grow in a fungal-based soil and are clear indicators of when our soil has ‘matured’ from bacterially dominant to fungal dominant. A moment to celebrate, if you’re wanting to progress up to bigger plants like trees.

JAFF is happy to report that he regularly has ferns growing in the orchards and is even starting to find indigenous trees popping up. This is how he knows that his soil is ready to NATURALLY host trees, INCLUDING THE MAC TREES.

So, how do we fast-forward this process? The best starting point is to stop retarding it with poisons. From there, life can be added in the form of bacteria, fungi and organic matter. It’s also important to understand the integration of the various systems:


An important factor in nurturing an environment ‘mature’ enough to host a tree orchard is understanding that there are many, integrated ‘systems’; ie: what you do above ground will affect what’s happening below ground and visa versa. Eg: spraying fungicides on blossom blight WILL affect fungi (and life) in the soil.

But, before we get into the details of JAFF’s green approach, let’s reinvestigate whether he’s worth listening to … we all know that environmental awareness is great but what are his results (like money-in-the-bank type results) like?


JAFF has always been aware of the bottom line and, therefore, the most important factors affecting that:

The bottom line is monetary ie: we measure it in currency, so JAFF doesn’t concern himself only with tonnes per hectare; he’s more interested in the value of that weight – RANDS/hectare is JAFF’s reference for assessment. The value of your nuts is based on their ‘style’ (grade). The grade classifications differ from processor to processor but the factors on which all grading is based are:

  • Highest prices are paid for whole nuts, dipping for halves and dipping further for pieces.
  • Highest prices are paid for nuts over 20mm with lower prices being realised for smaller nuts.
  • Some processors have Commercial grades that include darker colours.

JAFF’s advice is that you consider these QUALITY factors with equal impetus as you consider the QUANTITY of nut you’re growing.

Although not definitive – and it definitely differs between farms – cultivars do have tendencies to throw particular characteristics which should be considered when choosing which cultivars you plant; e.g.: Beaumonts are known for their tendency to discolour and break into pieces. When selling nuts in shell, which was the majority a few years ago, these characteristics were hidden in the shell. 816 are known for producing wholes of a good colour.

JAFF has realised that, on this farm, Beaumonts deliver far less rands per hectare than other cultivars and is in the process of top-working replacement cultivars onto Beaumont trees.

He’s also concerned that the 814 nut quality is being affected by the nearby Beaumonts (through cross-pollination).


(JAFF farms with 200 trees/hectare and results are at 1% moisture)

2023 Coastal region North Coast JAFF  
TKR 39,8% 40,3% 42%
SKR 36,9% 38,1% 40,6%
USKR 2,9% 2,2% 1,4% TOP 20%
Wholes 62,58% 71,77%

JAFF has heard it said that his results are so good because he throws so much away; which may be true but then it would mean that his yield is even higher than he’s claiming as well, wouldn’t it?

“We’ve got old sorting facilities (2013),” says JAFF, “but my staff are excellent.” They don’t have any water in the sheds as JAFF doubts the benefits of ‘bathing’ the nuts; “816s also float, even when there’s nothing wrong with them, because they have a thin shell and high oil content.” He goes on to add that an environment with water tends to be messy, damp and dangerous. Besides that, colour change is a big signal in sorting that some people miss, possibly because of the moisture; eg: when 814 come out of the drier, if there’s an ochre colour, the nut should be picked up and assessed further. If it’s light, then that’s another indicator that it’s probably immature. “Chuck it out,” says JAFF, “and also watch for white patches – another issue that should be investigated more closely.”

So, how much does JAFF remove in the on-farm sorting process? “It’s cultivar-dependent,” is the answer but JAFF follows up with the details per cultivar:

  • 814 – Over 50% is removed on farm. (including husk weight) ie: 1t harvested = 500kgs to factory.
  • 816 – 45% removed on farm.
  • 788 & Beaumont – 34% goes to factory.

I found it really interesting that two of the scouts handle the final sort which is not only great multi-skilling, it also brings a job full circle.


One of JAFFs trademarks is his courage to try; I’m always excited to see what else he’s trialling. On my last visit, he was cautiously top-working into the 788s; this involved cutting a branch or two away and grafting a new cultivar into that space. It took courage but he also covered his bets by leaving 80% of the 788 there to continue producing whilst the ‘replacement’ cultivar took hold. It worked! Until he realised that the 788s had a place in the market and he wanted to keep them.

Anyway; he tried something a little more drastic at the end 2022 when he felt the underproducing, poor-revenue Beaumonts had pushed him far enough. He took a small area and cut them back completely (stag-horning). He then did block grafts of 863 and 814 into the stems immediately. Unfortunately, a 2-week heat wave in January 2023 scorched the new shoots and the trial looked doomed to fail.

Nope – JAFF wasn’t ready to raise the white flag just yet; he waited for regrowth and employed the pencil graft technique to rework the trial area. Just as things were looking up, there was a chemical drift incident which ‘zapped’ all the regrowth. A defeated JAFF says, “It’s been a disaster.”

Some more info on why JAFF wants to remove the Beaumonts: He has a suspicion that they’re not only producing poorly themselves but they’re also bringing down the quality of the 814s adjacent to them. His 814 TK has been lower than any of the other guys in his region and they’re starting to drop later (another Beaumont characteristic). And, when he compares the TK from the 814s that he has with the 788s and 816s, it’s much higher than the ones alongside Beaumonts. Fact or Fiction, Beaumont has lost favour here and will be replaced with 863.

Although it all looks great to me, with excellent take, JAFF says they have room to improve and still have a lot to learn about grafting.

In order to keep results clean, JAFF tries to get at least one clear delivery per field ie: if it has 3 varieties, he’ll make sure there’s a minimum of one ‘pure’ delivery for each variety so he can make data-driven decisions about cultivar selection going forward.

At JAFF’s processor, they pull a 6 kg sample when the delivery arrives; this is to assess moisture and to verify that the quality is worth processing but then they’ll process that entire delivery independently from any other deliveries so the results and remuneration the farmer gets is based on his actual nuts, not as a result of his sample. They also use the sample to check against the final processed result and, if there’s a big difference, that red flag means they go back and check.

JAFF got nearly 70 tonnes off 15 hectares of 814 (4,6t/h) so it’s understandable that the Beaumonts are disappointing when compared to that (Averaging 2 t/h off Beaumonts.)


JAFF thinks that this farm is better suited for 8s. He also likes the structure of the 8 trees, especially as opposed to the wispy As. JAFF bases his choices on what the processor data shows, besides what his personal preferences are.

He doesn’t believe Beaumont is for the coast but, he adds, “When assessing a cultivar, it’s important that you know what parameters you’re using for that assessment; tons per hectare or rands per kg.” They’re quite different criteria.

863 – The last time 863 came up for me was in Levubu, on the late Bertie le Roux’s farm. His son-in-law, Stefan, said that it was his favourite cultivar because of its quality characteristics and exceptional taste. JAFF agrees, saying that the kernel is very similar to 816 but it is more precocious. The growth pattern of the 863 seems to be a little more open than the 816; but he can’t really say that conclusively yet because his are all small trees on a big root; and therefore getting ‘too much nutrition’.

When I asked about the lack of A-varieties on this farm, JAFF replied, “I’m not a fan of A varieties. I think A4s give wonderful total kernel numbers but I’ve found that they break up in the shelling process which results in lower grade produce and less rands per kg. I’ve found that my 788s beat the A4 results I’ve seen in the industry.”

863 grafted on to Beaumonts (above and below)

Up close with 863.

So, now that we’ve established that JAFF is worth listening to, let’s get into the advice …


JAFF’s advisor says that ‘Going Green’ is simple; the toolbox is small and carries only 4 or 5 ‘remedies’. These remedies treat the problem, according to the rules of Nature, rather than the symptom. Once that problem is rectified, Nature should sustain the correction.

“Farming is very easy if you listen to what Nature is telling you,” shares the Advisor, “and it’s far cheaper than the chemical route.” He goes on to share an unexpected outcome on a farm in Europe … “as we know, Europe is cutting back on chemical use. A study using flowers was conducted on a potato farm – they replaced rows, between the potato rows, with flowers. Now, for the first time in 40 years, this farm is free of potato aphids!” The combination of an insect environment (flower rows – new food for the aphids) and insect diversity (no chemicals – higher aphid predator numbers) solved a decades-old problem. The cost of one less row of potatoes was less than the chemicals and it’s a LONG-term solution that will permit this farm to continue into the future.

So, how does this ‘easy farming’ thing work, exactly? There’s 2 parts:

  1. Creating an environment that ‘controls’ itself.
  2. Support with nature-based interventions that address the core problem areas.


The absence of chemical killers allows for Life to regenerate. Much of that is microscopic but, as it ripples up through the ecosystem, the effects become visible. Since stopping the use of any pyrethroids JAFF has noticed significant change:

  • BIRDS: “We’ve always had sunbirds, but not white-bellied ones. They’ve moved into the orchards since we stopped with the pesticides. Small bird life in general has definitely increased and diversified although here’s a marked decrease in Raptors,” frowns JAFF. He suspects that the increased sprawl of human habitation may be behind the dwindling numbers of predatory birds including Peragon Falcons and Snake Eagles. These predatory species have far greater territories spanning many farms.
  • SNAKES: “Snakes have also increased since pyrethroids have been stopped (and the eagles have left). We had a 3m+ long python last year.” JAFF also reports more Boomslangs and Vine snakes. When JAFF sees my eyebrows have moved over the top of my head, he laughs and says that there haven’t been any issues yet, despite the fact that he forbids the killing of any snakes. “It took some staff education but everyone now knows how to chase them off safely. Unfortunately the electric fence has proved fatal for more than one serpentine visitor.
  • FROGS have increased significantly since they’ve stopped using pyrethroids and are now reliable advisors of when the first Spring rains will come.

The primate problem is real here and JAFF has 4 ‘monkey guards’ patrolling the orchards all day, every day throughout the season, from 5am to 7pm. (2 in morning, 2 in afternoon) “I think the lack of raptors has exacerbated the monkey problem,” says JAFF.

JAFF controls the under growth mechanically.


As JAFF and his advisor engaged in animated excitement about how he is also spending R10-12k less per hectare than the neighbours, I had an AHA moment … if we were to ask you to fill in the table below, what would be your answers?

What is it actually?
Felted Coccid
Macadamia Nut Borer
Blossom Blight

Most farmers would just classify everything as a pest. But ‘pest’ is contextual; it’s only a ‘pest’ because it’s eating what you’re farming … what is it actually (fungi/bacteria/insect etc)?

Once you correctly understand what the issue REALLY is, you can start to control it. To find a natural control, you need to research and understand how this creature fits into Nature – what is its life cycle, its habitat, its predators, its food source, mating habits, behaviours etc. You also need to understand how Nature works i.e.: the role of bacteria and fungi in the greater landscape.

Much of JAFFs ‘understanding’ comes from scouting which he does intensely. He records the date, species, sex (and whether the females are carrying eggs), age and location of each insect caught.

Through this, he’s been able to verify valuable information like the fact that male stink bugs enter the orchard first and then call the females.

He wishes that research was done on the stomach contents of stink bugs so that we can learn what they’ve been feeding on before they come into the orchards. “We struggle constantly with fly-ins,” complains JAFF, “if we knew what they were eating, we may have a better idea of where they came from and also, possibly, how to redirect their path away from the macs.” But JAFF wouldn’t even know a fly-in from a resident if it wasn’t for his constant scouting and analysis of the results.

Currently JAFF is using a fungus (metarizium) to deal with stink bugs. This fungus affects the stomachs of plant-feeders (stink bugs, thrips etc) but doesn’t affect insects that don’t have plants in their diet, making it the perfect, low-impact weapon to use in a nut orchard. JAFF has noticed that it is also working on MNB eggs.

Beauveria bassiana is another fungus JAFF uses on the stink bugs, often spraying this in conjunction with metarizium. BB attacks the stink bug from the outside.

To deal with blight (a fungus that destroys mac flowers) JAFF uses an organic copper soap, in combination with bacillus. He says that the same stuff works on husk rot.


“I’m getting a parasitic wasp, called SP1,” says JAFF, “it’s called SP1 because it hasn’t been officially classified yet but it is indigenous to South Africa and does occur naturally on this farm.”

JAFF says that there are other, exotic wasps on the market, that claim do the same job. He’s tried them, in 2 releases last year, but found they had zero impact. JAFF gets egg packets that he hangs in the trees. These hatch within a day or 2 of delivery and have about 70% success rate (assessed through scouting).

Parasitised stink bug eggs on the left, unparasitized on the right.

Baby wasps hatching from stink bug eggs.

Baby wasp.


One of JAFF’s favourite topics. He doesn’t believe in bringing hives in; he believes in growing and supporting your own diversity. They used to bring in close to 4 hives per hectare which, JAFF says, “Costs a bit.” But, when Covid hit and they couldn’t get bees because of lock down and subsequent vandalism on the hives.

The lack of availability prompted JAFF to do some research. He came across an American study where there were 3 blocks; bees only, bee-insect mix and natural insects only. The worst results came from the pure bee block whilst the best was delivered by the ‘natural’ insects only. This got JAFF thinking. He also considered the structure of the mac flower and how tiny it is. JAFF says, “There are no indigenous tree flowers this small.”

Interestingly, JAFF’s best season to that point happened when they had no supplementary bees in the orchard. Based on all this, JAFF decided to stimulate indigenous insect life and hasn’t brought supplementary bees in for 2 years now.

JAFF wanted to offer a word of caution on sustaining bee activity, “Don’t cut the bee-friendly flowers back when they’re flowering to reduce competition with the mac flowers – there isn’t enough food in the mac flowers – you will compromise the hives without any positive impact on your pollination.”


As mentioned, to understand a creature’s place in the system and how to either increase or decrease its numbers, you need to research.

It’s also about tolerance though … the day there are NO stink bugs in the orchard is the day for concern. Because, in a vacuum, something will replace it.

JAFF’s advisor is busy doing a lot of this investigating himself. His current focus is on the behavioural differences between male and female stink bugs. He’s the one who’s discovered that males enter the orchard before females and asking the questions about whether they’re feeding or not while they wait for the females. He’s also interested in whether they feed during the mating period. The answers to these questions will enable farmers to time their sprays better (for maximum efficacy and minimum nut damage) and possibly even cut out on some of them.

He’s also asking the question; “What was a Macadamia Nut Borer before we started farming macadamia nuts?” If we understood what ELSE they feed on, by analysing stomach contents of fly-ins, we’d have more options on control. He’s starting to suspect that they come from sugar cane which makes him wonder how resistant they are to pyrethroids, having been subject to Eldana sprays in the cane. If they are coming from the cane, timing control measures in the mac orchards with the burning of neighbouring cane fields might increase efficacy …


So, how would he handle phytophthora? “This is not as difficult as we think. Again; we just understand what phytophthora is, really, and, from there, we will see a way to manage it.”

He explains that Phytophthora is a fungal-like species. In an Australian study that was done, it showed that, in balanced soil that included a range of microbial life, phytophthora actually became beneficial to the plant. Phytophthora was created by Nature to take out a plant species that should not be growing in the soil, based on the maturity/life of the soil.

“But what if phytophthora decides that the mac trees shouldn’t be there?” I ask. “We’ve learnt that, if the soil is right, phytophthora won’t bother the trees so all we have to do is look after the soil and it will look after the phytophthora,” he repiles.

JAFF adds some more clarity; “Trees can’t take up fertiliser without the presence of microbes (like we can’t digest food without the right microbes in our stomachs) Nature employs the same/similar systems across plants and animals. In both worlds, microbes are key at a foundational, baseline level. So, if a soil is not in a state that it can provide nutrition to a tree, it won’t allow it to grow there.”

He explains that it’s all about forest levels ie: we need to progress to a soil that can grow trees – it’s a different soil to one that grows grass. “It’s taken us 5 years to ‘correct’ the soil on this farm (using biologicals) so that it now supports trees naturally,” says JAFF, “we know it’s right for trees because now we have rogue trees sprouting up in the orchards naturally and phytophthora is rare.”

The consequence of using fungicide is that you kill the soil microbes, degenerate the life and create an environment that’s better suited to all the things you don’t want to flourish, like weeds. In this environment the phytophthora will say “in terms of how this world was created, this tree should not be here, so I’m going to kill it.”

Using phosphorous treats the effects of phytophthora in the tree but doesn’t fix the problem.

JAFF says they treat ‘sick’ trees individually by addressing the life in the soil under that tree.

This tree was so far gone, it had even lost most of its bark. It had no leaves so they cut it back and painted it then started a programme to rehabilitate the soil. Now, it has fully recovered and is ready for a ‘manicure’ to trim away the dead wood and reshape the living. “It took a while,” says JAFF, “but it was worth experimenting on because it was so far gone.”

This Advisor is grateful for farmers like JAFF, who have been frustrated enough with the constant poisoning to take a chance with the green alternative. It sometimes takes a lot of trial and error and not everything works because Nature is a complex system but, when you THINK about what you’re doing and why it might work, it makes sense to try it. Using poisons precludes understanding; it kills indiscriminately; a short-term solution that must be repeated constantly and more aggressively as Nature fortifies itself against the ‘challenge’. Too many farmers say “I don’t have time or capacity to understand, I just want it gone so spray it now.” And they then have to live with the consequences of that decision; repeat, repeat, repeat.

And here ends Part One but don’t fret – Part Two will be published at the end of Nov, just a couple lightening-fast weeks away so you’ll have the full story before you know it.

Until then – God Bless!!