As you know, we are constantly ferreting out Top Farmers who are both equipped and prepared to share their experience and expertise with other farmers who are eager to learn and improve.
But – who decides who’s a ‘top’ farmer? It’s the age-old dilemma of subjectivity … how do we make it more objective? What are the criteria? We have tried to expound on these in the past but it always comes back to our purpose: Equipping Farmers for Excellence and Success by Sharing Knowledge and Expertise. Which emphasises the fact that there are 2 parties in this relationship; the ‘JAFF’ (top farmer) and the ‘student/observer’ (reader). What one reader finds fascinating, another may consider ‘old news’ or completely irrelevant.
So, we seek recommendations from respected members of the industry as to whom they think we could learn from (and are willing to engage) to share their insights. Through our stories, readers then have access to this information and can apply it (or not) to their situations. Context is key though and, sometimes, the context of a farm is just too far removed to be relevant for most but it’s still really awesome to just have a peek at what they’re up to … and that’s where today’s story may fit in …
There’s no doubt that they’re a remarkable, highly successful agricultural giant with untold knowledge and expertise (most certainly a “top” farmer) … it’s just that their scale and structure is so different from the average farmer that the relevance of their insights may compromise the application.
I also wasn’t able to interview the actual farmer (because he’s many people) and so, the one man I did spend time with (the Marketing specialist) was not able to share the detail typically covered in a TropicalBytes story.
“Enough now!” I hear you groan, “get on with it and tell us who it is.”
Okay … (drum roll)
None other than the incredible ZZ2. (Gasp – why are we divulging the ‘JAFF’? Well, because our reasons for anonymity don’t apply here; it’s not an individual and no personal names are mentioned and … there aren’t too many ways to hide something as large as ZZ2. )
So, let’s get to know ZZ2 …
First – why ZZ2? What does that stand for?
Following the scorched earth policy of the 2nd Anglo-Boer War, in 1900, the British victors instituted a reconstruction and development programme which allowed Boers to use branded cattle as collateral for the bank loans they needed to restart farming. Branding irons were issued randomly and the one that went to our farm forerunners was ZZ2. They obviously used this to brand the cattle but they also stamped the potato bags they were sending to market with the same tool. And, from there, it’s grown into the well-known international trademark it is today with a proud history spanning over 100 years!
Lifted from the ZZ2 website.
We know ZZ2 as tomato farmers – why avos?
Midway through the last century, the ZZ2 family were farming a mixed bag with potatoes being the main crop. Struggling to make ends meet they tried different options including tomatoes. Here, they found great success with the first harvest being way back in 1953. This crop fuelled their growth for about 30 years and is still the main contributor to the bottom line.
But, the market for tomatoes is domestic and, as the SA economy started to slow, ZZ2 made a decision to expand their export offering. This required further crop diversification. Avos, being a fruit with international demand, got the nod. Although they’ve been farmed by ZZ2 since the early 1980s, the last 12 years have seen a concerted focus on this crop.
Also forming a part of this export strategy are cherries, apples, pears, blueberries, onions, dates, almonds and cattle. The basic plan is to farm local and export. As the timber industry in the Limpopo area wanes, and more local land becomes available; ZZ2 has found a successful recipe and mutual benefit in partnering with landowners to expand.
Currently there are 2000ha of tomatoes and they contribute 60% of the total turnover. Avos, on 1800ha, contribute 30% of the total turnover BUT that’s only because so many of the trees are not yet in production. When avos are up to the planned 2000ha, their contribution to the pot will far surpass tomatoes. Currently all ZZ2’s avos are in Limpopo.
All ZZ2 avos – as far as the eye can see.
So, why is there no ‘single’ farmer?
ZZ2 has chosen to go the ‘specialist route’ across all their farms rather than employ a generalist for each farm. There’s a specialist for pests, another for irrigation, another for nutrition, another for pruning, another for human resources etc … and all these specialists work on all the farms. There is a general manager for each crop and regional managers under him. The operations are spread throughout Moeketsi, Tzaneen and Magoebaskloof but also extend to the Cape and even into Namibia, where the dates are farmed.
If you like the sound of this farming structure, the farmers are considered specialists too and ZZ2 employs only graduates or farmers with extensive specialist crop knowledge. You then draw on the equipment, labour and specialist pool of resources, employed or contracted by head office, to grow your produce, harvest it and get it to the pack house. It’s very corporate in design and structure which either works for you, or not! “Average avocado yield in SA is 8 to 10 t/ha,” explains my contact, “but we produce close to double that.” He credits the specialist pool of expertise for this impressive production.
As a ZZ2 farmer, you can expect support from this extensive list of specialists, all employed by head office:
- Workshops & technical services – the farmers need to book and “hire in” vehicles and implements as required. This includes pruning crews and equipment
- Engineering services – who will build and maintain structures
- Marketing & logistics
- Packhouse supplies – packaging, pallets etc
- Human Resources – the farmers need to book and ‘hire in’ people (inc labour) as required
- Corporate investment (new farms etc)
- Financial services
- Legal services
- Entomologists – a dedicated scouting crew covers all crops and will report their findings into the specialists who will programme spraying as required
- Ecologists
- Agronomists take care of nutrition and other factors related directly to the crop.
Is the original family still involved?
ZZ2 is owned by 2 family trusts and the original family is still strongly represented. In fact, the current CEO, as well as the GM for avos, are family members. Despite the impressive scale of this business, it’s only 4 generations down the line and the family ‘feels’ haven’t been lost; an overarching purpose being to “Create a home for everyone.”
Only possible with an inhouse nursery.
ZZ2 is self-sufficient in terms of new trees and this has been key in their growth over the last 10 years. Do you remember a couple years back when the waiting list for new avo trees got up to 6 years long? Can’t be doing that when you’re on a rocket. They now produce 300 000 trees annually to supply their own expansion as well as external customers.
The nursery is based in Moeketsi and produces both clonal and seedling root stock options.
A 3 yr old Hass orchard.
Some of the highest ridges I’ve ever seen!
On a brief drive around a couple of the orchards, I saw some really high ridges. I was told that the height is dependent on soil type and depth and varies across developments but are always a minimum of 1m high. They are built with excavators.
The secret behind their higher yields …
ZZ2 is moving towards higher density planting (as close as 6m x 2m) to increase per ha yield. Whilst this has implications for pruning, it’s definitely the way agriculture is moving.
The 6×2 spacing in this Hass orchard will be thinned to 6×4 when necessary.
Ever heard of Intzana, Galiel and Sheppherd?
Almost sounds like what I’d imagine the Three Wise Men were named but they’re actually cultivars currently being tested by ZZ2 to see how they can fit into the year-round supply programme they run.
Using varying climates, altitudes and cultivars, ZZ2 works to ensure year-round supply and, where nothing in the current repertoire fills a gap – like the sparsely supplied Nov to Feb window – they’ve gone searching for new options to trial. Thanks to the resources and specialists involved, they are enjoying success.
Mainline cultivars grown by ZZ2 include the usual suspects; Hass (and all her cousins – Maluma, Lamb and the lesser-known Mexican Mendez), as well as the green-skinned crew of Fuerte, Pinkerton, Reed and Ryan.
3-year-old Hass on Dusa planted at 7 x 3 spacing.
A tropical paradise
When you look on Google Maps, there are not too many dark green patches on this beloved country of ours but the areas where ZZ2 farms avos is most certainly fertile and tropical.
There is ample mountain precipitation run off below the ranges and rainfall, throughout the region, is obviously healthy – despite this, all farms are irrigated and fertigation programmes put in place. Many of these irrigation schemes were initially developed for the tomatoes.
There are a number of impressive dams on the farms; all fenced to prevent the drowning of both animals and opportune fishermen.
Drape nets are used to protect against wind damage
These farms face a major challenge with wind and, as we know, avos’ delicate skins are highly prone to damage when the wind results in rubbing against other fruit or branches. The outcome of this damage is that the fruit is downgraded, won’t meet stringent export standards and may realise a lower price on the local market.
Thanks to for these pics – the left is wind damage by leaves whilst the right-hand pics shows where something harder, like a stick or another fruit has rubbed against the avo – also considered wind damage.
ZZ2 is trialling something quite pioneering to address this challenge … drape nets. They’re made from a shade-cloth type fabric that is softer than normal shade-cloth. They’re put in place once the fruit has set and are only removed for harvest. Early indications are that this is practice is successful and will be rolled out. My concerns about airflow and light access are apparently not issues.
A specialised implement is used to support the net over the row and cut custom lengths.
The nets are secured in place.
Light and air are still part of the protected environment.
The nets stay in place from fruit set until harvest.
Despite the nets offering limited protection against hail ZZ2 still won’t plant avos in hail-prone areas because they say that, if a cold snap comes through while the fruit is on the tree, the avo flesh turns grey and unappetising, even if they manage to escape hail damage.
We harvest when the fruit is ready, rather than when the market demands it.
This is so that the trees are not stressed by hanging a crop into the next flowering season which can lead to alternate bearing tendencies and unstable production.
ZZ2’s marketing manager explains that 2022 was a disastrous season for the company. In avos it was mostly caused by Spain, Morocco, Israel and Chili’s late season; the result being that their fruit was still available on the European market during the small early window that ZZ2 usually profits in. Port issues and ship delays (50 days on water) added to the avo adversity. Tomatoes were also not good this year. And dates were a mess because the area they’re planted in (dessert) had the highest rainfall in 30 years! So, if you’re ever inclined to think that the ‘big guys’ have it easy; that’s not always the case.
Hedgerow is the way to go.
Despite their size and the challenges associated with scale, ZZ2 does prune by hand but most of the job is done mechanically. Contractors are employed to hedge a side of every row, every year. One year a side will be hedged, the following year, it’s the opposite side and, in year 3, the top is trimmed. Large limbs are removed, by an in-house pruning team, to allow access to light and air.
My contact explained, “It’s simple mathematics; we want to get the largest surface area possible to improve bearing potential.”
Evidence that the pruning team has recently been through this orchard opening up windows for light and airflow.
Soil Health is a major focus.
Unfortunately news of ZZ2’s renown compost programme only got to me after I’d visited them. But my contact did explain that soil health is high on their priority board and that they have a compost tea programme but we never got to see it or discuss the details other than that the tea is distributed to all farms and sprayed on to the soil. I’m sure the compost itself is also used to enrich the soil aswell. He did explain that their inhouse R&D teams analyse the soil on all farms as a basis for the nutrition experts to formulate programmes. External consultants also map all fields before they’re developed.
I was told that there is very little chemical fertiliser used and, apart from a few pesticides, the avos are practically organic!
New trees are protected in “tepee” structures. Note: probe location marker.
Rows run downhill.
This fascinated me as I’m used to seeing ridges built on the contour with an adjustment for water run-off. But, here, the orchards are planned to maximise sunlight (north-south planting) even if that means they run straight down a hill. The interows are planted with grass, which does not extend on to the sides of the ridges – these are kept bare, and the grass is kept short and neat.
“Inter-planting various cultivars doesn’t increase yield.”
ZZ2 used to deliberately plant a pollinating cultivar every 7 trees in every row with the understanding that it would increase set and size but, they’ve stopped that practice saying that they have not seen results significant enough to justify the effort of planting and harvesting mixed orchards.
What they are backing right now is the value of bees for pollination. Which is somewhat of a necessity in this comparatively barren landscape. ZZ2 brings in 3 to 4 times the industry norm for bees pollinating avo orchards every season. There are no resident hives.
A Pollinator is the first tree in this row – clearly different to the others.
Bee boxes.
Unfortunately I didn’t get to see the newly built packhouse but was told that it is truly impressive; the best in the country – perhaps next time.
We trust that this peek into one of the country’s largest avo producers was insightful, if not detailed. Sometimes a shorter, easier read is refreshing.
Next month we’re back in KZN and will be bringing you a story on one of this province’s up and coming new dynamos! Lots of insights, lots of detail, lots of value!
Until then, be safe.