This interview was blessed right from the start; it began with a phonecall from Roy Porritt; he explained, to JAFF, that I needed to interview successful avo farmers (usually these interviews are set up way ahead of time but I had a spare day) and, lucky for us, JAFF agreed!

I had no idea what kind of farmer would be so willing to have a complete stranger monopolise most of their day at zero notice; I can only put it down to their regard for Mr Porritt.

And then, the biggest blessing was that these are indeed agriculturists of the highest degree and I have been able to craft a story of immense value from our time together!

Meet the ‘All-round’ JAFFs; one – the manager of the show, the other – the protégé; a highly skilled man in his own right but relatively new to this particular business.

Date of visit 9 September 2022
Area Kiepersol, Limpopo
Soils Huttons predominantly. Some poorer clay soils where they are planting macs.
Rainfall 500 – 800mm per year
Altitude 820 – 870m; most 850m
Distance from the coast Over 200kms, as the crow flies
Temperature range Quite erratic in last 3 to 5 years – Very high and then very low

Summer average – 32°C / 18°C

Winter average – 23°C / 12°C

Varieties 46.5 ha Hass, 6.4 ha Carmen Hass, 9 ha Lamb Hass, 0.5 ha Edranol
Hectares 62.4 hectares avos, 33 hectares macs, lots of natural bush
Diversification Avo packhouse for export and local – KOELTEHUIS PACKERS

This operation is essentially a family business, headed up by a very well-known South African black businessman who bought the farm in 2007. Included is a broad range of business interests including numerous lodges, logistics businesses, earth-moving equipment, a cattle farm, vegetable farms – MOST of which JAFF-chief also oversees.

Our JAFFs are the men on the ground, focused on delivering sound ROI for these corporate moguls. The business I am visiting today includes a full-scale pack house which was first commissioned in 1996 but had a multi-million-rand upgrade in 2017. It is now the third largest in the country with capacity to pack 450 bins per day; which is equivalent to 38 250 cartons per day, 191 250 cartons per week or 830 025 cartons per month!!! In the average season (March to August), they pack over 2 500 000 cartons.

They are also growers with avo and mac orchards. JAFF-chief has been here since 1999 (over 23 years) and, when he arrived, some avo trees on the farm were already 37 years old. He has a background in farming, having grown up on farms around the country. JAFF-protégé comes from a business background having an honours degree in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I’m shocked! (and wish I could show you a picture) This man looks like a text-book farmer. He has married into farming stock and, when they moved to this area, he started a distribution business in 3rd-grade avos with his wife. This was how JAFF-chief found him and realised they had a future together. “He really played hard to get and made me work hard to pull him on board,” says JAFF-chief, “but I have a lot of experience with people and knew that this man was exactly who this operation needed.” They eventually convinced him to come on board less than a year ago.

About 5 years ago, macs were planted in between the 30-year-old avos with the plan to take out the avos … which hasn’t happened because the avos have upped their game since the macs made an appearance so now they’re left in a quandary. For now, it’ll be a tree-by-tree assessment; tired avo trees will be laid to rest and some of the mac trees will be transplanted into another orchard. I learnt that you cannot transplant avo trees.

Despite the size, this is a family business, not only in structure but also in ethos, and the culture extends to the employees. It is clear that the men I’m sitting with today do not consider themselves boss and manager but rather brothers, with a common goal to deliver excellence, not only for the shareholders and customers but also for the future generations, which they do by responsibly curating the land under their care. I am inspired and excited to soak up their energy and hope I can convey the riches to you as I build a virtual journey through their world …


We spoke about current challenges facing the avo industry and ‘markets’ are the obvious one, given the dire results from last season when Peru flooded the European market and many other factors conspired to deliver negative returns for many SA avo farmers.

The U.S. is, in JAFF’s opinion, not a viable destination as they are pushing for South Africa to import U.S. pork, in exchange for them importing SA avocados. “The challenge is that U.S. pork carries swine flu that can affect the wild pigs we have living all across South Africa,” says JAFF, “and can be detrimental to the eco balance.” The European market is also challenging, with high phyto-sanitary restrictions and requirements for extensive accreditations. JAFF explains; “The EU are quite particular about environmental impacts and tend to impose rather high criteria in terms of what chemicals can be sprayed, and when, to control pests and diseases.” They are particularly concerned about allowing our FCM (False Coddling Moth) into the country. FCM eggs & larva need to be taken down to -2°C before they die and, obviously, the avo fruit would not be worth eating after that freeze (although guacamole is an option). Peru, being a desert climate, doesn’t have FCM. In fact, their insect density and diversity are far less than ours. Which makes Peru a preferred supplier into the EU.

Bottom line is that China, Japan and India are far more likely to accept SA avos. India wants access to SA for Indian table grapes and is considering allowing SA avos in as part of an exchange agreement. Our agric depts have completed a pest risk assessment and is working on the import protocols for Indian table grapes.

Something I learnt during this discussion was that Peru farmers are subsidised by their government who assist with both water and fertiliser supply – hardly seems fair.

From this packhouse, fruit is exported through Westfalia. They have been packing in boxes destined for Morocco and even Saudi Arabia in the past season so there are definitely more markets opening up.


A number of years ago, JAFF-chief ‘saw’ the current crash approaching when everyone started planting Hass; he knew that the Hass window (March – August) coincided with many other international suppliers (like Peru) and started to look for opportunities outside of this ever-more-populated market. “Carmens are ready in March so we started planting these,” explains JAFF, “and, soon after the crowded window, lies another opportunity in Lamb Hass (which mature around October).” It was about 10 years ago that JAFF-chief had the vision to do this and thereby extend their season, viability and profit margins. Although they only planted one block, it has been a saving grace. If they could ‘start over’, they would plant 1/3 each to Carmen, Hass and Lamb Hass.

On this farm there’s still mainly Hass. They used to have Fuerte (a green skin) which is really only suitable for the local market as it does not travel well, so they removed it.

The avo season here kicks off with Carmens. Westfalia owns the rights to this cultivar which means that growers have to pay a levy and have to market it through Westfalia channels. Carmen Hass is a valuable fruit in that it offers 3 harvests; March, July and Nov although this farm generally only supplies the early market. They yield about 16t/hectare and are consistent bearers. Once the Carmens are finished, the less-consistently yielding Hass mature, producing anywhere from 12 to 20 t/hectare. The Ryans are next and the season rounds out with the Lamb Hass in November. There are a few hectares of Edranol, which is used for seed.


Avos are mature when the moisture content is below a certain level; it’s different for each cultivar. As soon as you pick the fruit, it starts to ripen. ‘Hanging fruit’ refers to the practice of leaving mature fruit on the tree. It is done to realise the best price for your product ie: pick when demand is high. But you can’t hang indefinitely and the longer it is left hanging, the quicker it will mature once picked. These out of season harvests can still be lucrative though, because they may hit the local holiday season when prices are high even though it can’t be exported to realise foreign currency.

Avos don’t have to be picked as soon as they’re mature – there is a picking window during which the fruit can be hung while market opportunities evolve.

Generally, in Southern Africa, we have a nice flow into the market … Mozambique avos mature first, then Tzaneen, then Limpopo, then Mpumalanga and KZN followed by the Escarpment and lastly, the Cape. With hanging strategies, we can almost cover the whole year!


JAFF would be happy with an average of 17t/hectare but he conservatively benchmarks at 15t/hectare. 20-21t/hectare would be cause for good champagne and 9-10t/hectare would require him to hang his head in shame. (Read that again – it rhymes! )


Avos need stable temps during flowering – around 28°C for about 15 days will result in a good set – but, what’s been happening lately is erratic extremes eg: while I was on the farm, it was high of 37°C and, on Sunday – 2 days later, it dropped to 21°C – which is bad for flower set. Flower drop and fruit abortion rates climb.

That’s not saw-dust, it’s a carpet of flowers but Jaff is remaining positive as there are still bountiful flowers in the trees, as seen below.

Besides the temperature swings, floods in 2000 wiped out many of the older avo trees. All new establishments are now done on ridges to try and avoid a repeat of the disaster.

With high rainfall (annual average of 500 – 800mm) they barely need irrigation at all but … “it’s all about timing,” says JAFF; they have a 2 – 3 week period when temperatures soar and the trees really benefit from supplementary water.

June 2022 delivered a hailstorm in the area that damaged not only their fruit but that of all the packhouse suppliers. Export quality dropped from 80% of the total to only 50%. In volume, that was 1700 tonnes of avos that could no longer realise top dollar and went into guacamole instead.

They still had a lot of crop on the trees when this storm hit – another blow to the season’s results.

Moving along swiftly, let’s start again, at the beginning …


A common theme across most successful farms is the insistence that only reputable nurseries are used to source new trees. Jaff says, “Audits have improved the standards across registered nurseries and this really helps to protect buyers.”

When it comes to land prep Jaff says, “It depends on what was in the soil you intend planting in. For example, when we wanted to replace all the Fuerte orchards with Hass, we removed the whole tree, ripped, cross-ripped and disced the land completely. We then left the land fallow for about 6 months to make sure all root diseases were gone.” They then cut ridges and marked out the planting scheme to be ready for the following Spring. “Ridges were built 1,2m high and 2,5m wide but, in retrospect, I would have gone higher,” continues Jaff, “soil subsides a lot over time.”

A spacing of 7m x 4m generally works for these farmers but they sometimes start a new orchard as close as 6m x 2 or 3m. In a scheme that tight they will hedgerow the young trees and remove every second row at year 7 as the trees gain in size. “We’ve found harvesting is much easier with a smaller tree and the fruit size is not compromised just because the tree is smaller.” Jaff goes on to say that pruning does become a focal activity in high density orchards because sunlight is key to flowering and fruit set. “We’ve learnt that clonal-root trees are easier to control and we aim for a max height of 4m,” says Jaff, “but preferably even lower; around 3m.” These clonal rootstock trees will often bear well in year 2 already.


JAFF has recently implemented a new pruning regime that is based on a 3-year plan. Fundamentally, he limits cuts to between 20 – 30% of the tree per year. “If you go more than that, there will just be too much flush and too little fruit,” explains JAFF. As we know, pruning stimulates growth so the logic is certainly sound, for a producing orchard.

They use the “Christmas tree shape” to prune smaller trees in dense orchards (6m x 2 or 3m). The plan, in these highly dense plantings would be to remove every second tree when trees become too big – at around 7 years.

Once they’ve taken out every 2nd tree, Jaff changes the pruning shape by removing the central leader and allowing light in from above (bowl shape). He still keeps the height under 4m to make harvesting and pest management easier.

“Watershoot management is key to directing energy into fruit production,” advises Jaff, “Constantly break off watershoots because they draw so much nutrition and they don’t bear a lot.”  Jaff explains; “Bring height down or open up ‘windows’, paint exposed wood (for sunburn) and then manage the regrowth (watershoots) by removing most and leaving some.” He says it’s tricky to maintain a balance between keeping enough cover to prevent sunburn but not so much that sunlight access is prevented.

When it comes to deciding when an orchard is no longer viable, JAFF has developed an assessment tool (simple computer analysis of a range of factors); when a tree’s production starts slipping, the tool is used to closely examine the exact yield, age as well as the cost to remove and replant. They then check all other inputs and make sure there are no other possible issues, like phytophthora or nutrition deficiencies. Usually, this monitoring process starts at age 35 and, if it comes down to pure age, the hatchet falls around year 40 to 42. (If I was an avo tree … )

With trees where fruit sunburn is more likely, or where there are signs of phytophora, JAFF prefers to do more, smaller, more strategic cuts over an extended period as opposed to fewer, bigger, more aggressive cuts.

A well-shaped tree, in Jaff’s opinion. Multiple leaders. 40 years old.

“All these water-shoots would be removed,” says JAFF. (Watershoots are the green vertical stems, often referred to as green mambas )

JAFF says this is a perfect side-branch except that, when the fruit grows and weighs it down, it will hang too low – touching the ground which will mean surface damage on the skin and a second grade result.


Jaff explains that avos roots are slightly deeper than those of their macadamia counterparts and the trees can therefore sustain more of a drought – which is impressive because, as we know, macs are certainly not skrikerig for droughts and have managed through some pretty dry spells over the last few years.

Root growth obviously affects ridging, as does the increased susceptibility, that avos have, to phytophthora. Ridging is standard practice on this farm, since the severe floods in 2000 wiped out whole orchards.

Extensive feeder roots in a good, healthy soil with a high organic content.

JAFF was happy and smiling as we passed this orchard. “There’s good mulch, a good ridge, well-shaped trees, good light, good flowering – what’s not to smile about?” asks JAFF. This was a mixed orchard – Ryans on the right, Hass on the left. JAFF mentions that the Hass produced twice what the Ryans did, this last season.

This is the new Hass orchard which replaced the Fuertes that drowned in the 2000 floods.


JAFF declares that these soils are healthy and they therefore base supplementation on whatever the tree is lacking rather than what the soil is lacking. They support the continued health of the soil by composting using plant matter only as Global Gap regulations for avos limit the use of any animal waste.

JAFF prefers using ‘straights’ for these reasons:

  • Simplicity
  • Better absorption (avoid any antagonism issues) especially calcium – JAFF uses Calcium nitrate and limits the use of too much other nitrogen as avo trees are naturally very vegetative growers. Calcium is important for cell division and growth.
  • Cost effective

JAFF mentions that the avos regularly need potassium, which he says ‘gives them legs’ and this would also be applied as a potassium nitrate. And then, every now ‘n again, they get boron, iron and zinc as required.

JAFF employs a specialist consultant who handles testing (soil and leaf) and makes recommendations.

When it comes to fertiliser application, JAFF finds it stressful; despite extensive training, he can’t control human behaviour; how much a person is loading his spoon or tin with and exactly how he is placing it under the tree – all factors that can severely compromise outcomes. For this reason, he’d like to change out his irrigation …

Lamb Hass that has just been sprayed with boron, for flowering, ecomax, leaf-perform & kelp.


JAFF has microjets but says he would change to drip if he could. Why? Because water preservation and the ability to fertigate appeals to him. Although they have rights to 60% of the water in the Dagama dam (which is pretty large) it doesn’t mean they can be extravagant, he smiles.

Filtration systems are so much more advanced now so the common concern of blocked pipes is no longer a real issue. “Even micros block,” he points out, “but there is the advantage of visual assessment, I suppose.”

One of the smaller irrigation dams. Also a favourite fishing spot for Bass & Kurpers (Tilapia).


Some mac-avo JAFFs have said that there are fewer pests blighting avos than macs whilst others claim the reverse. This JAFF adds a twist; “The pest issue on avos has increased since we planted macs.” But, don’t think you’re immune if you don’t have macs; because of the high density of macs in most avo-growing areas, pest issues in avos have intensified across the board. “All the mac stink bugs move into the avos when the macs harden off,” growls JAFF.

He then adds another conundrum; “Everyone always says that natural bush is an alternative habitat for pests which, in my mind, means it should help alleviate the pressure on the adjoining orchards but we don’t experience this – we find the bush-side trees are impacted more severely than trees deeper into the orchard.” This got me thinking as I am a big fan of bush and desperately wanted to defend it. Of course, there are a number of possibilities but the most likely is that the balanced eco-system, within the bush, is why only the adjoining trees are impacted rather than the entire orchard?

So, who are the avo-addicts, exactly?

This farm’s damage is:

  • Coconut bug: 6%
  • Thrips: 4%
  • Looper worm – 4%.
  • Avo scale: 3%
  • Fruit fly – 1%
  • FCM/all moths – very little (less than 1%)


Coconut bug seems to be the biggest problem – JAFF says it’s easy to confuse the damage with that caused by fruit fly …

The only real difference is that the fruit fly damage is often characterised by a cross-shaped scar in the skin, possibly because the fly lays its eggs just under the surface and those grow, splitting the skin. Coconut bugs feed off the avo and the mark they leave is commonly 2 or 3 lateral lines with multiple marks on the fruit.

Unfortunately JAFF does need to spray for coconut bug – sometimes they can find up to 8 coconut bug stings on one avo – but he is always careful to remain Global Gap compliance, “Which is getting more difficult all the time,” adds JAFF, “1% of our losses, at an overall pack-house level, are because of stink bug. Whilst that sounds manageable, it is 13,8 tonnes of avo!”

Looper worm. Although the damage was extensive last season, JAFF says it all happened in one block. They had to spray with chemicals. If you manage to sight a moth, it is easy to identify as it looks completely different to FCM & MNB.

Looper worm damage, worm and moths (male & female)

Avo Scale is a white insect that sucks the life out of leaves, fruit … anything. It is most often found in the trees alongside the dirt roads, in the dry season, so JAFF thinks it has a phase of its cycle that is spent in the powdery sand that flies up when disturbed by passing traffic. There’s a relatively cheap and harmless way to deal with the issue; by spraying oil, which suffocates them. JAFF says they’re a problem in the pack house because they are rendered almost invisible when they are wet and can sneak through the process only to ‘pop up’ again when they dry, on the other side.

Scale – highly prevalent in the trees along the roadside where there is a lot of dust.

JAFF places FCM traps where he believes they are most likely to catch moths which is higher up than normal. It works for him.

When it comes to diseases, phytophthora, is not a terribly big concern here since JAFF started using a biological drench (bascilles bacteria). The product he’s chosen is TONE UP which also stimulates root growth; it is applied at the rate of 50ml/ha. He applies it with a trailer and hose but you can use a bucket or drip irrigation. JAFF gives a few tips, if you want to consider this treatment:

  • Remember that this is a live organism and needs support so keep the soil healthy with adequate organic matter and the right amount of water.
  • Don’t spray glyphosate or any other chemical likely to kill bacteria.
  • Because Tone Up is also a root stimulator, make sure your timing is in – linked to natural root flush timing. JAFF applies in March/April and Nov/Dec – the latter application helps to minimise early fruit drop.

Phosphoric acid injections, still popular with many avo farmers, are not used here, “For three reasons,” explains JAFF, “firstly, the timing and mixture of the application needs to be spot on otherwise the residue found in export tests will exceed the minimum residue level. Secondly, the labour and consumables needed are costly and time consuming, Thirdly, the damage to the tree outweighs the benefits.”

The damage caused to the xylem & phloem of the tree by phosphorous injections outweighs the benefit, especially as there are alternatives.

Jaff is also breathing new life into the soil by ripping one side of the interows. He believes the loosening and aeration will make a big difference to the general orchard health and therefore phytophthora levels.

Beyond pests and diseases, JAFF says that sunburn and wind damage are responsible for the greatest losses faced by avo farmers. The higher the tree, the worse this damage gets. Correct pruning plays a big role in minimising it. “Lamb Hass is nice because it produces fruit on the inside of the tree,” says JAFF, “most green skins are outside bearers and very prone to sunburn.” I’d heard about sunscreen for avos (which caused me to literally laugh out loud the first time someone mentioned it – until I saw that it was no laughing matter!) but JAFF hasn’t found it works for him (or his avos) because the rain easily washes it off.

Sunburn damage.


On this farm they have scouts who walk the farm every single morning. Just a visual scout; shaking leaves; checking who’s home or on the phone.

The best way to check for thrips is to knock some leaves on your blank cellphone screen – they can often be spotted scurrying across the black surface.

Thrips damage – inflicted when the fruit was small.

The scouts know, based on the season and phenological stage of the trees, what to look out for and fill in all their findings on a sheet. When counts get outside tolerances, action is taken.

JAFF employs an integrated approach to pest management and there is no calendar spraying. He’ll always opt for biologicals first but knows that it’s a much harder route because of the punishing pressure most pests are exerting on commercial orchards. “I think biologicals take 5 to 6 years to work properly,” says JAFF, “and the programme is compromised if your orchards border natural bush or if your neighbours are using chemicals.” He explains that the fact that not everyone follows IPM approach means that, in his view, it will never fully work as this strategy takes integration, coordination and saam-werking* across an entire ecosystem. (*translation: working together)

JAFF has also found that scouting decisions are different when using biologicals. Because the biologicals often don’t kill the bug instantly (ie: it may still live and appear heathy but cannot use its probiscus and will die in a few days) and they still form part of the scout counts but aren’t doing damage. Sometimes the only way to tell if a biological has worked is in the end of season results – a bit late for most.


Jaff says that 2 to 4 beehives are required, per hectare, to get a solid pollination done. Although they have some permanent hives there is not enough food, out of season, to sustain the numbers they require so hives are hired in to get the job done. JAFF doesn’t believe that cross-pollination is necessary and this farm no longer interplants cultivars.

Permanent hives with an interesting upgrade; “Think Pink” insulation to cool them down in the soaring summer temperatures.


JAFF is promoting the growth of natural grassland between the rows which improves soil resources, promotes diversity of insect life (hopefully more beneficials than pests) and helps prevent soil erosion. In winter the growth is mulched and spread under the trees.

Natural vegetation in the interrow of a Lamb Hass orchard.

Mulched interrow


Oddly enough (although now it seems logical), JAFF explains how pruning plays a big part in harvesting. To enable careful harvesting that doesn’t damage the fruit, the fruit has to be within safe reach so that it can be cut off carefully. If this isn’t the case, you’ll find that either the skin is damaged or the stem is broken off. So, trees are not only shaped for sunlight access, they are also kept harvest-friendly – low and open.

Once the fruit is safely in hand, it is placed carefully in a shoulder bag. When the bag is full, the picker comes to the in-field trailer, dips each fruit into a chemical fungicide reservoir and places it in the trailer. If this process isn’t done carefully and the skin, especially around this tip area, is broken, the fruit can no longer be exported. Correct mixing of this chemical is also very important and can cause damage if not done properly so many farmers don’t dip in field, preferring instead to rely on the packhouse’s inline dip. As options around chemicals used to prevent stem end rot change, this area of protection becomes more challenging.

Stem-end rot – the fruit is susceptible to this when the stem is removed prematurely as can often in bad harvesting.

Lenticel, although used as a term to describe avo damage, is actually the biological term for the many raised pores in the stem of a woody plant. It is responsible for gas exchange between the atmosphere and the internal tissues. When this layer is damaged and goes brown, we refer to it as ‘lenticel’.

Jaff explains that it is caused by rough handling and is not immediately visible. Only once the atmosphere has had time to turn the cells brown do we notice the damage.

Preventing this unnecessary damage is a priority for JAFF and he ensures that the on-farm transport of his fruit is done carefully. There are special, soft radials fitted to his tractors to make the ride as smooth as possible.

And that takes us to the other arm of this operation … the packhouse. Naming this facility is immediately going to expose our JAFF but, JAFF insists that it will only be to his advantage as they have spare capacity in the recently upgraded facility that he’s very keen to show off to farmers looking for a packhouse partner …

In-field trailers and bins, loaded and ready for the packhouse.


Although anyone is welcome to pack here it is probably best suited to farmers within a 30km radius as shown here.

JAFF is most excited about being able to empower his farmers through data and insights. By processing each delivery individually, JAFF is able to provide valuable awareness on what is going on on their farms, with numbers and pictures, so they can make critical decisions and corrections. Eg: incorrect picking practices accounted for 84,7 tonnes of what went through this packhouse last season. This is something that the farmer can immediately do something about by going back to the team that picked that orchard that day (JAFF gives results within 1 hour of packing being finished – and that is guaranteed to be within 16 hours of delivery to the packhouse) and retraining them about how to pick without damaging the fruit. It’s less helpful to get that information at the end of the season.

So, what’s the process?

On arrival at Koeltehof, the delivery is briefly inspected and weighed.

The bins then move into the line and are emptied into the bath. From there the avos are gently scrubbed – the brushes are under the avos, with the plastic sheet catching the spray.

Cleaning is important and the chemicals used are currently under review. Chronos is used at the moment but legislation threatens continued use. JAFF says that they may consider an ozone treatment (very high oxygen) that cleans bacteria off the fruit.

After being scrubbed up, the avos are dried off under this fan and are then split onto two lines where the sorting will start.

Sorting is the next step. This is done by grade and size. The 3 grades are Grade 1 (export), Grade 2 (local) and RTG (return to grower). RTG avos do not always go back to the farmer as there are markets for this fruit; local traders are an option, as is sending the fruit off to oil and guacamole processors.

1st & 2nd grade avos are further sorted into size so they can be packed into the 4kg boxes neatly.

Each little ‘dish’ on the weighing line has an individual scale underneath it which weighs the avo, and then tips it into the relevant packing line.

Customers’ avos are packed into their relevant boxes.

The smaller the avo, the more can go into a box. Although many South Africans like bigger avos, that’s not a universal preference, so although small avos still have a sizeable market, you do need more of them to realise the same return. The packing lines and packed boxes are identified by how many avos go into that box eg: ‘Count 8’ – where 8 avos fit into a 4kg box meaning each one weighs about 500g. ‘Count 10’ – where 10 avos fit into a 4kg box meaning each one weighs about 400g. (yes – I almost took my calculator out for that elementary calculation ) Export grades are packed in either 4kg or 10kg boxes.

Every box is then labelled for traceability. From here the boxes are palletised and strapped and go straight into a cold room after which the cold chain is not broken until it gets to its destination, even if that is overseas.

Farmers are able to log in to the Koeltehof packhouse management system and track their own delivery through the plant.


When the bins arrive, a few avos, with clearly visible defects, are taken for further analysis and reporting. These avos would have been graded RTG anyway so there’s no loss to the farmer. MRL testing is done right in the beginning and the report is kept in case there’s a comeback at the retail destination.

When the avos go on to the sorting and grading lines, 30 fruit are taken blindly – completely at random. These are analysed fully, a report, complete with pictures, is compiled, and this feedback is supplied to the farmer. Unlike macs, these findings do not impact payment at all. The report is a value-added service provided by this packhouse and is purely for the farmer’s information; to help him understand what is happening on his farm so he can minimise RTG and maximise Grade 1. Payment is made on the actual pack outs of the delivery.

Koeltehuis was, at the time of my visit, at 50% of its capacity so there’s plenty of room for more farmers to experience the incredible service of this enthusiastic and highly motivated team.


There was a golden thread that ran through everything I experienced today and I struggled to put my finger on exactly what it was. It was something about young JAFF’s enthusiasm and expertise with business tools mixed with something about his boss’s warmth, humility and incredible work-ethic. And then I saw it in the staff as we moved around the farm; an excitement and eagerness that is not found everywhere. It was only as I drove away that I recognised it as TEAM INVESTMENT.

I wish I could give you the recipe as it is an invaluable ingredient for a successful outcome but it’s never that easy … I did, however, pick up a few bits and pieces that I believe contribute to the outcome:

Cost Saving. Everyone rides around on bicycles. JAFF included! I have never seen this on any other farm but JAFF believes the revolutionary move will pay huge dividends. So far, he’s seen these benefits:

  • It’s healthy – JAFF says he can feel the difference.
  • It’s cost effective (substantial savings on fuel and vehicle repairs)
  • It’s better for the environment
  • Bicycles are easier to maintain; there are fewer breakdowns
  • You see more! The slower you go, the more you see and this always benefits the farm!

Instead of 4-wheelers or bakkies, indunas & foremen, get a company bicycle. This is JAFF’s one, parked in the entrance foyer, ready to roll.

Buying all chemicals and fertilisers in bulk which has not only lead to financial savings but the environment is feeling it too as the farm is now free of the 1000s of plastic bags and 20l containers that used to suffocate it.

Employee of the month initiative. In this game-changer the workers nominate colleagues. Management then reviews (they work on a rating method that takes all aspects into consideration and gives everyone a chance to ‘shine’) and the winner is awarded his prize (simple things like a KFC meal) and certificate at an ‘event’ so he can be acknowledged in front of the whole business. It has had a remarkable impact and Jaff is constantly asked “How can I get KFC?” … Jaff explains how they must work hard, work smart etc etc. And now, when he comes into an area, he notices how the harvesters are running with ladders and picking at twice the pace they used to (safely). It’s all about the recognition. They built a platform/stage for the presentation to be made on and the winners’ supervisors stand up and explain why they have won eg: gets to work on time, takes extra care with his tasks, came with ideas that will improve results etc. JAFF says it’s been unbelievably effective in motivating and encouraging the staff. There are three categories; Packers and Stackers, Support Staff & Farm workers.

Pay over minimum wage. JAFF believes “you get what you pay for” and you’ll always get a better return on investment when you remunerate fairly.

Staff involvement. Many farmers encourage on-farm workers to grow veggie gardens and a lot of them even buy the produce. Here, they hold regular competitions to settle who has the best garden – the rivalry is fierce and the quality astounding.

Sharing. Throughout the season, everyone can take one ripe avo to eat at lunch time. Again, JAFF believes this investment in the workers’ health, diet and stamina is returned in improved productivity. They can go up to 300 workers in-season so this is no small investment. At the end of the season every worker takes a carton of avos home.

Open doors. The public is always welcome here; even encouraged. They host ‘Avo Tours’ for schools, kindergartens, farmers wives and families. These include both the packhouse and the farm, tractor rides & avo-picking. I realise that JAFF really enjoys this aspect and is clearly a brilliant ‘people-person’ – he goes the extra mile and includes wonderful extras like hiding Smarties on the pack lines (for the children) and coaching all the staff to be welcoming to and engaging with visitors. I can only imagine all the little farmers he is inspiring to be our food-security giants of the future!

Visitors to Koeltehuis

To round off I’d like to share an ‘epiphany’ I had after this interview. Although it is well-illustrated in farming, the lessons can be drawn across many other disciplines. Technology is changing things. Yes – you might be thinking “OBVIOUS!” but forgive me while it lands here … I am, by nature, an earth-child and have always believed that NOTHING is as good as footprints in the orchard and that you can get by, just fine, with only footprints in the field but, while writing this story, it landed for me that to remain competitive (and therefore viable) you need to incorporate … no embrace technology. We started moving that way in the previous story when I spoke about getting the farming ‘maths’ right and now I can take it one step further in terms of getting the techno component right. An example would be to learn from what has happened before, not only on your farm but on farms with similar markers as yours (the data is available), and apply that to your situation to make better informed decisions possible rather than reinvent the same wheel.

The encouragement here is to become Data & Technology-enabled. It’s a journey TropicalBytes is on too – we can learn together!

And with that, it’s time to close off with one of my favourite pictures … and give my deepest thanks to the JAFFS who not only took me in with less than 24 hours notice but who also went above and beyond in sharing their knowledge and expertise – grateful doesn’t even begin to cover it.

Is it a macavo or an avomac? Either way; it looks like I felt on this road trip – trying to transition from macs to avos …

Sincere thanks to these priceless resources: